Show Notes
- Beverley Holt website
- Beverley Holt Podcast
- Breaths: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor book
- Unstress Episode with Patrick McKeown on breathing
- Unstress Episode with James Nestor on breathing
- [00:00:05] Introduction of Beverly Holt, her background in nursing, massage therapy, and involvement in Reiki and holistic practices.
- [00:01:53] Beverly Holt joins the conversation.
- [00:01:57] Discussion on Beverly’s journey in health care, starting as a registered nurse.
- [00:02:46] Beverly shares her experience working with the Australian rugby team (the Wallabies).
- [00:04:56] Dr. Ron Ehrlich discusses the impact of Welsh rugby and body alignment in contact sports.
- [00:07:33] Explanation of specific stretch techniques and sports massage for athletes.
- [00:08:49] Introduction to Reiki and its principles.
- [00:14:49] Beverly discusses the importance of energy, alignment, and how Reiki works.
- [00:20:48] Beverly shares her personal health story, including being diagnosed with thyroid cancer and ovarian cysts, and how she combined Reiki with conventional health care.
- [00:25:39] Detailed discussion on what a typical Reiki session looks like.
- [00:33:33] Introduction to Breathwork, its benefits, and combining it with Reiki and meditation.
- [00:38:42] Beverly’s interest in regenerative agriculture and her observations on land degradation in Australia.
- [00:46:09] Closing thoughts on Beverly’s journey through health care, massage, Reiki, and agriculture.
- [00:47:01] Dr. Ron Ehrlich’s conclusion on the importance of energy, intention, and connection to health.
Beverley Holt: Reiki, Breathwork, and Balance
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:00:05] Well, today’s theme is really about connection. It’s really about energy. It’s really about respect and passion. My guest is Beverly Holt. Now, Beverly is very driven and passionate connector of people and things in health and the world and well-being. And her background started her journey as a general nurse, then morphed into psychiatric nursing. She’s been a sports massage therapist and worked with some elite sporting teams, including the Welsh rugby team and the Australian rugby teams. And as you will hear, working with some legends in that sport. She’s a speaker, she’s a coach, she has her own podcasts. We’ll have links that I don’t mind doing commercials for other people’s podcast. She also is on a personal journey of discovery, exploring land, soil and health and farming practices and its relevance to human and planetary health. We both share that passion. In fact, that’s how we met. She’s also a Reiki master and teacher. Now Reiki that is r e i k i. Reiki is a sacred practice that requires reverence and our greatest respect if we are to experience its most wonderful value. And when you think about everything in this world, in this universe, in fact, as being energy, in fact every atom in our body. And as I said, the universe is energy. So tapping into that, learning how to read that, to respect that, to share that and use that as a powerful tool. Now, that’s what we’re talking about today as well. I hope you enjoy this conversation I had with Beverley Holt. Welcome to the show, Beverley.
Beverley Holt [00:01:53] Thank you, Ron. It’s an absolute pleasure to be here today.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:01:57] Beverley, I know you’ve been involved in health care for quite a few years. Over 30 years, I think it’s fair to say. And you’ve started life as a registered nurse, which I always think is a terrific foundation for understanding health, both allopathic and then alternative health. And I know you’ve been very focussed on holistic health care and and we’re all on a journey learning all the time. I thought we might just touch on a few of the things because you’ve got you wear so many different hats. We’re going to be talking about Reiki and Breathwork and veganism and we’re both sharing a passion in regenerative agriculture. But let’s start with your experience as a massage therapist, because you really had a brush with fame there. Can you share with us what that was?
Beverley Holt [00:02:46] Yes, I was blessed to work with the Australian rugby team, the Wallabies, and go to the World Cup with them in 1995. So I was the first female to travel with the team and cause a bit of a stir. I did my training in Pontypridd University in Wales and while I was there I worked with the Bridgend rugby team and that was home to people like JJ Williams, JPR, Williams, all the Welsh greats. When we did have them. And I was blessed to do body alignments on all the under sixteens under eighteens Welsh rugby teams that were Ambridge and and I also started work at the Bridgend Recreation Centre and I worked with the British swimming team there because they were all lifeguards and they were like, can I come for massage? And it was great for me because we have to do case studies and so forth. And many of my fellow students were struggling, but I had an abundance, you know, it was so cool. The chaplain with the Wallabies, because my passion is being Welsh is Welsh rugby. My father used to take us to the games and to cut the stories, so I used to be selling sandwiches around Sydney. It was called B&Bs, busy booze and Gourmet, some witches and I had offices in the city and one of them was the Stock exchange and Simon Pottage. Devon The wallaby was there and one day he had a bad neck and I just started doing a temporary course and you said, have a look at it. And I fixed it for him. And he was like, Wow. And then my sister used to run marathons and different things. I had to go back to Wales and she said, Look, this these guys visiting and they run massage courses. So that’s how I got into Pontypridd University.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:04:56] Wow. And I mean Welsh rugby in the well in the 70s 80s, 90s was absolutely. Well, they were the top of the game really, weren’t they? Well, certainly in the 70s and 80s. Yeah, they were. I can imagine as a Welsh, as a Welsh woman, Welshman, you know, you would have had they would have been heroes. And you talk about body alignment because the the rugby is a very, very contact sport. I mean, body alignment must have been a major challenge.
Beverley Holt [00:05:29] Yeah. Well, when I first went there because Simon said, when you come back, if you’re only going to come and give my wife and I a massage and then we’ll talk to Bob Dwyer. So I went on the Wednesday and on the Thursday I got the call and on the Friday I went in to the team away. So we went to Wollongong for one of their trainings and I think so many of the people shot us and they were all looking at me, my God, she’s so tiny. How can she do it? But it’s all about how you use your body posture and your alignment and your weight. And because I trained at a very high level, it was basically just for sports massage. And there was loads of physios, osteopaths, doctors. And because my registered nurse background, I got in on the course. And Mark, somebody used to have clients like Linford Christie and he designed something called specifics stretch technique. And that was a godsend because I was able to use it on the clients physio, my mum, she was the physio to the whole of the rugby union. So they taught me so much. And because I had so much experience with all the players, you know, my experience just shot to the roof, so.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:06:57] Well, you’ve mentioned some names there, which, for me, having been interested in rugby for a long time, they are real legends. I mean, barbed wire. Yeah. Used to coach the Randwick Rugby Club here in Sydney, and they were just legends pouring out of that club of which water and was one. But then he went on to coach the, the, the Wallabies and you were there with him. I got so specific stretch technique that sounds so interesting. What’s the rationale? I mean, I suppose there’s a little bit of a giveaway in the name, but what, what is the rationale there?
Beverley Holt [00:07:33] Yeah. Well, it’s mainly that, you know, as you know, around me, you’ve got the myofascial tissue for the listeners, it could be like cling film covering our muscles. So instead of digging in deep or, you know, fluffing around, you find the area similar to trigger point therapy, find the area, and then you get the person to breathe and move the muscle in a different posture while you’re doing it. And it just releases the muscle and releases the tension. Yeah.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:08:08] Yes. Will myofascial trigger points and the work myofascial. There’s a whole subject that I’ve been very passionate about for a long time. So from from massage therapy in the Wallabies, in the Welsh team and all these famous people, I mean, you’ve also went on to do something called Reiki, which for the listener who’s not familiar with it is spelled r a i k i Reiki. And I’ve heard a lot about that over the years. But I have to admit I know very little about it. I wondered if you might just give us Reiki 1 to 1. What is, what is the focus of it? What, how does it work?
Beverley Holt [00:08:49] So Reiki, as you correctly spouted out, is like the sun’s rays and a key of the door. So it’s a Japanese word for universal life force energy, and it describes a system of hands on healing. It is always safe. It can never do any harm. And I usually start by saying a prayer. It is not necessary. But this is the way I. I trained. I say a prayer to the universe and asked to be a pure channel. And I allow this energy to pass through me and connect with the person’s energy or higher self or soul or spirit, whatever you want to call it. So it promotes self-healing because Reiki your and your highest self will only let you heal as slowly or quickly as they see fit, you know? So, for example, some people might come to me with a bad neck or bad back, and then while they’re lying on the table, they might get an moment and they feel a lot better. So it’s working a lot with the subconscious. You know, connecting at a much deeper level. And some some people, some research scientists think it’s been around since the beginning of time with the Mars civilisation when they did hands on healing for themselves. But that civilisation got destroyed with a volcano and then it was rediscovered in the early 19th century by a Buddhist monk called Dr. Miku Suu in Japan. And back in those days, like in 1928, there was the biggest earthquake in Tokyo. That’s even today to kill 80,000 people. And he was lying on the floor like a starfish and killing four people at a time around him. So he was healing various people. And people asked him, what are you doing? So in those days, people would go to him sick and then they would stay with him and do the training and help other people. So it’s been very active since the 80s and it went viral globally. And Dr. Oz, and who has a TV show in America, which I know you would have heard of. He’s mentioned twice on the TV in 2010 and 2012 that Reiki is his preferred method. And back in the 80s as well, a Reiki master, Pamela Myles, who was living in New York when Aids came out and people were frightened to go near. She was actually working in an Aids hospital and state health and giving them all healings. So Reiki is unique because it can promote healing physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. So I say to my students, Just think of PIMs and call it PIMs, you know, to remember. So everything is about balance. And so Louise, our hay she’s soft, healed herself because she had a Varian cancer and apparently was raped as a child and then didn’t speak for years. But when she was studying psychology, she had an moment and realised that our thoughts will bring on misalignment in our body, whether it’s physical, emotional, mental loss or emotion, Pam’s physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. So, you know, this is sort of carrying on from that because people don’t realise our thoughts bring on disease and we are in control of our own destiny. And I know you you believe in disempowering beliefs and working with saboteurs and so forth. So many of over the years I’ve done lots of different trainings working on these disempowering beliefs and helping people, especially, you know, people who are on a soul seeking journey, lots of heart based entrepreneurs to find their centre, become aware of their disempowering beliefs and then balance and balance them and make them aware of it and so that they can then, you know, lead from a heart space, a creative space instead of a victim space. So over the years, a lot of clients have come to me, the ones who are scientifically minded, to have either psychic, which is backed by Dr. Bruce Lipton or, you know, more recently, Secrets of National Success with William White Cloud. They come for finding out, discovering what are these disempowering beliefs. And then I give them Reiki. And a lot of people say to me, it’s like having the Band-Aid. So you’re revealed with all the issues, you know, that you might not believe. And then you you then. Sorry. A notice came up and then you. So you have revealed with what has been holding you back at disempowering beliefs. And then I gave them the right and it sort of calms everything down.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:14:49] So it’s very much I mean, to suggest that we are affected by the energy of not just the Earth, but the universe is kind of it’s it’s it’s so logical. I mean, to suggest that we’re not is sort of saying, well, gravity doesn’t exist in the sun, doesn’t have an effect. So you know that that. But and yet it’s often met with a lot of scepticism isn’t it. Like people going, wow, this is sounds a little bit far out to me, but this is actually a way of tapping into those energies and actually acknowledging them.
Beverley Holt [00:15:26] Yeah, it might’ve been more sceptical when I first started out just over 30 years ago. However, it’s becoming more and more mainline. It’s in many hospitals now globally and especially in like recovery places for cancer, for example, and so forth. So I’ve given talks to many cancer groups in many hospitals, to doctors and nurses. And yeah, it’s becoming more and more mainstream.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:16:05] Because I think when we talk about disempowering beliefs and scepticism, I mean, I think it’s, it’s okay to be a little bit sceptical. But yeah, I think it’s also important to be very open to life sentences. And I think there’s a tipping point, isn’t there, really, where that disempowering thoughts is like turning off the power. Yeah. Turning off the switch. And, and that has all sorts of flow on implications of which disease is one of them.
Beverley Holt [00:16:36] Yeah. Well, for me, I just think you’re out of alignment. So I like to say this dis hyphen ese. So you just out of your perfect alignment. But Reiki helps you put back in. So, for example, in 2005, I got diagnosed with thyroid cancer and ovarian cysts. I had two ovarian cancer tumours on one on each ovary. And at that time I started a health and wellbeing centre in Rose Bay on South Head Road. And I was.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:17:15] Sort of choosing which is in Sydney, to our inner city suburb of Sydney, to our overseas listeners. But go on. Yeah.
Beverley Holt [00:17:24] So I was working in the house, having it renovated and also still seeing clients. And a friend of mine, which I know now, he’d let me down because he offered to build a wall and he didn’t want any money to separate the kitchen from the dining area. So that would then be the yoga and meditation room. And then I said, Look, well, if you want to accept money, how about I give you exchange? Either see me or we ended up with 20 staff there. So one of the staff, which he agreed to and then he gave me this ginormous bill which was much higher than, you know, the three quotes that I’d been given. And yeah, so I think that triggered something inside me. And cut a long story short, I then a few months later, I started losing lots of weight and I was manic and not sleeping properly. So I was seeing everyone in my sunshine had an eye of a dark doctor. I had a quantum physics doctor and I was saying, homeopaths, naturopaths, you name it, I seen them. And then one day I went out sailing with my partner, Brian, and there was a doctor friend on the boat who was starting a new centre in Bondi Junction. And he said, Why don’t you come up the centre? Because you’re such a brilliant networker and I’ll give you, you know, all the scans and all the tests that I do. So you can promote because as a doctor they’re not allowed to sort of self-promote till they went at the time. But he said you can leave your flyers for your new centre. And he’s seen the tune the tumours. And he said, I think you need to see a GP straight away. But I was so manic, I wasn’t thinking straight. And then a friend from Foya, who’s a registered nurse and her husband Michael, was one of the top oncologists in Australia at the time and she came to see me and. She was like, my God, look, you’ve lost so much weight. What’s going on? And I went, blah, blah, blah, shoulder the what the doctor give me. And she made a quick call to Dr. Sila, Kim von D, who was my GP. And from there we went down. So I seen within days I’ve seen gynaecologist, endocrinologist, oncologist. I was like a pincushion with blood tests and scans and, you know, so they diagnosed and wanted to rush me straight in to hospital and I was like, wow. You know, I was just happy because I had a diagnosis. And I so I said to them, Look, I can’t deal with it right now. Next week I’m going to the British Lines tour in New Zealand, so I’ll be gone for two weeks and then I’ll come and see you when I get back. So they all gave Brian. We were only about a year into our relationship at the time, their business cards, and tried to ask him to persuade me to stay and not get on the plane. And they said, you know, if she ends up in hospital, don’t hesitate. Call us.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:20:48] And because ovarian, ovarian cancer has a pretty poor I mean, I think less than 5% survival rate over five years. So this is not a not a it’s not a throwaway, you know, diagnosis. I mean, it’s one thing to be happy to get a diagnosis, but if you were going to get any kind of diagnosis, this would not be the diagnosis to get. But do go on.
Beverley Holt [00:21:10] Yeah, well, I was so manic, I wasn’t even thinking straight. And then doubt slipped in. So I called my cousin in New Zealand who’s a Reiki master as well, and she went, No, Beverley, this is a time for you to walk. You walk and talk your talk. She said, Come on over. So we I think it was a combination because in my mind I said, All right, I’m going to compartmentalise this now and pretend it hasn’t happened and I’ll deal with it when I come back. And I just trust it. Whatever’s going to be will be. And I knew that we would have a lot of fun. And we did. There was 30,000 red jerseys and most of them were Welsh, so we did lots of singing. We caught up with loads of friends, like loads of Welsh rugby players, because when I lived in Bermuda I organised for the Golden Oldies rugby team to come over. So part of them was Jim Shanklin and JPR Williams and so forth, and a lot of them were giving talks there. So we all hung out together and just had a lot of fun. And then my cousin in between the games we went to the hot springs, had massages and healings every day. And you know, but I think a combination of that and laughter, you know, and I came back and I got all the tests again and they, they couldn’t find anything. Like I was blown away with comparing the X-rays and all the things. And they said, could it be a spontaneous remission and a spontaneous remission? And they said, could you have been pregnant? And I said, no, because at that time I was like having no sex. I was like so manic, not sleeping and all the rest of it. And yeah. And then I went for my three monthly check and I did that three times and I noticed I was getting so stressed the week before I was gone for the test because underneath my mind was thinking, I wonder if it’s really gone. Because as you said, when I realised, you know, and I was back in perfect alignment, my analytical mind stepped in and my nurse in mind and I was checking everything and like, Wow, you know, this is really scary what’s happened? So I was getting ready to stress, but fortunately I went three times and nothing. And then my Reiki master said to me, where have you been? And I said, I’ve just been for another check. I said, Thankfully, nothing wrong. And she said, Why do you go? There’s nothing wrong with you. If you keep looking, they’ll find something. And she said, Barton, if I was you, but you can do what you like, I would stop and bury the story.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:24:01] Well, here you are. Here you are 20 years later, still talking about it. But. But the but the result is is an impressive one. And I know we’ve done a programme recently with someone who had stage three kidney cancer and was similarly being lined up for surgery and chemo and radio and all of that. And that’s not to suggest that they aren’t appropriate. Sometimes I don’t want to go down that path, but I’m just highlighting that in his case, dealing with dysfunctional cycle. Logical patterns and diet and lifestyle and getting a better night’s sleep. It wasn’t just that, but just aligning. Realigning. What is natural immunity and realigning with nature. Natural rhythms had a profound impact. And and I know in his case, stage three kidney cancer, he was given six months to live. And I had lunch with him about six months ago. Ten years after his diagnosis. And he looked very healthy to me. And here you are telling another story. So let’s just come back to Reiki because something about this realignment of energy and I can just I must say that for you to be in New Zealand surrounded by 30,000 Welsh jerseys and singing along with that would be an incredibly cathartic experience in and of itself. But let’s talk about the Reiki aspect of it. What does a typical Reiki session, You know, you said I gave them Reiki. What what does that actually mean?
Beverley Holt [00:25:39] Well, if you imagine a massage table, this is the usual thing people would do. You’d have a massage table, People come down, they can keep their clothes on and they lie on a table. And I don’t need to know anything about them. And we have a set procedure, you know, where we touch. So we work. You’ve probably heard of chakras from the Indian system. So over the years they’ve been added to the chakras. So we balance the chakras. First of all, they lie down, I place my hands on their feet and I would say prayer to the universe, like I mentioned, to be the channel. And then I would besides our physical body, we’ve got seven layers of auras. So I would cleanse the auras because if they’re out of balance, it can cause disease, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. And the same with the chakras. So traditionally the seven major chakras from the base of your spine, your chakra to the crown of your head. So we usually, because of my psych nurse as well. Background on registered nurse. I like to build a rapport. So I go from the feet because on your feet the soles is a minus chakra, the same as your palms Side to the soles and the top of your feet, your knees, your hips, wrists, elbows, shoulders. And then goes through all the chakras surge, iron crown. And so I’ve already cleanse the aura. Then I place my hands. But with Reiki, you always have to ask permission, so they have to agree. But if they’ve rung you for an appointment, you know that they’re in agreement. But I still say, you know, just trust that the universe is going to give you a healing today. And as I mentioned earlier, Reiki is always safe. It can never do any harm. And the only side effect is improved health and happiness. Wow. Okay. Most people after the session because the human is actually instant. However, I can’t charge a hundred bucks for an instant healing. So I do the full session and it’s during that time people relax and let go because especially today, we live in such a fast paced world. You know, people have gone through a lot of stress with the lockdowns, a lot of confusion, a lot of overwhelm. They just want to feel safe. So I create a safe space and most people are back to back with appointments and they don’t have time to get in touch with their feelings. They don’t know how they feel. It was like me. I was so busy renovating the house for the new centre back and for the apartment to the house, seeing clients, you know, in touch, you just too busy. So and this could be one of our disempowering beliefs, you know, that we’re not worthy and we’re not capable, we don’t have the capacity. So we keep busy so we don’t have to deal with our beliefs as well. But anyway, so it just most people will say to me they feel that either they grandmother or someone special in their life as just been touching them and holding them. They feel immense universal love. And most people haven’t had hugs from people depending on your upbringing. They haven’t had healthy relationships with people. No, not in all aspects. But, you know, we. They all go through phases, but to feel divine love, you know, it’s unbelievable. And most people look like they’ve just had a facial because they just look so relaxed because as you know, wrong because you deal a lot with stress. It shows on your face. And when people look in the mirror after the healing, they’re like, wow, I haven’t looked like this for years.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:29:58] Well, I can imagine that all of those things about stopping, focusing, having acknowledging that you were out of touch with what you are feeling and what surrounds you, and having this focus of a practitioner literally taking the time and putting their energy into you.
Beverley Holt [00:30:23] Yeah.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:30:24] Channelling. Channelling that energy into you. Would it be. It would be a very empowering thing. Is it a generally a one off thing or is it a how what is how does it what you said was almost instant in many cases. But how do how does that work? So what does a course of Reiki look like or is there a course?
Beverley Holt [00:30:44] What happens is I say to the client, if they’re really stressed and, you know, I’ve I’ve treated people that have just had an accident or witnessed an accident going through all, you know, the worst imaginable things, you know, people suffering from shock, from rape and battering and you name it, I’ve treated them. I’ve even been in hospitals where people are in comas. I’ve worked on children. So, as I said, I’ve talked to the highest self and ask if it’s possible for a healing. But it depends how much stress the person is having. And depending on what they’re going through and they just need to be in a safe space and they want to come because I said they’ll only heal as slowly or quickly as they higher self will let them. I used to have a mock us mock up Motown’s mogul, skier, Olympic skier Anna Burke, and she said, When I come, I don’t care how it works. I just feel good when I leave, you know? And, you know, I say to people, massage treats a symptom, but Reiki treats cause interesting. And the healing cycle goes on for 72 hours. And what I say to them is you go on a natural detox, so it’s good to drink lots of water over the next few days while you’re detoxing. And I always give them my number to if they need to call me if anything comes up. But some people come to me because they, well, I’m going to stay. Well, another people come because they’ve tried everything else and I’m the last resort. Or they’re just curious. So I never say to people, you have to come back. I just say to them, you know, if you go away, feel the benefits and if you feel drawn to it, I think it would be good if you came or I leave it entirely up to you. So I never encourage them because people know from the benefits. They just want to come back because they feel good after the treatment and they know if they need more or not.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:33:13] Yes. Well, I think intention is a very important part of the healing process. And I know, you know, here you are. You’ve you’ve been a nurse, a psychoanalyst. You’ve done massage therapy and channelling this kind of energy in the Reiki therapy. I know you’ve done meditation, too, but you’ve also got very involved in Breathwork. Tell us a little bit about that.
Beverley Holt [00:33:34] Yeah, well, I personally think Reiki meditation and breathwork go hand in hand. And for years I’ve taught people because in my sanction rose by a lot, people would come with panic attacks, whether they were delivery people, people walking outside. They’d see the name on my stuff. You say, I’m glad you answered the door. So they’d be hyperventilating and, you know, couldn’t speak. And hot, clammy, sweaty. And, you know, I’d have to calm them down. So I started doing classes because there was a void because a lot of people were doing high level meditations. And I just taught them the basics of stomach breathing to slow down their breath rate and, you know, calm their autonomic nervous system. And I get them to, I say, breathe into their stomach, put one hand on the chest so as they breathe in, their stomach comes out and as they breathe out, their stomach pulls back down and keeps the chest still. And then I get them. You count. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. As they join it. And then tuck a finger in. And when you’re up the top and they’re all tucked in the knife, get them to unroll the fingers. And this was incredibly successful. So over the years, then I did Sacred Brass, which is an integrated brass, and thanks to Wim Hof and James Nestor wrote the book Breasts The Signs of a Lost Art. You know, it makes My Reason sessions a lot easier. And a friend introduced me to recently when I came back to Australia, to the Irishman Patrick McEwan, who is the leading authority in nasal breathing. And I go for years I’ve done alternative panorama breathing and yoga and many, many different styles and courses of breathing because I just used to monitor the effect on my own body. Because as a dentist, you relate to this. I was born with a small jaw. And as my teeth came through, I had over Le Pen. So two rows of teeth. They were crowded. My front teeth overlapped. You know, I had sinusitis as a young child had bronchitis and pneumonia. And the sinusitis used to be bad, and I couldn’t sleep well at night. So I. I would wake up then, you know, disruptive, sleep your back and forward the toilet. Because what happens is your must breathe in. And when you mouth breathe, you’re stimulating your autonomic nervous system. So everything speeds up like the fight and flight response. So young children will bed wet. So I was a bedwetter. And which is As a child. As a child? Yeah. Thank you, Ron.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:36:36] I know, but. Well, you were a bedwetter as a child, but in adulthood, that manifests itself as getting up at night to go to the bathroom.
Beverley Holt [00:36:44] Yeah. So I was lucky to do that. Sorry. Yeah. It manifested as getting up in the night to go to the bathroom. And then someone told me about Patrick McEwan’s workshop and I thought, God, I don’t need another workshop because I’ve done nearly every breath workshop and, you know, I mix and match them, do my own style. Anyway, I was intrigued when I chatted with him. I did. It was during Covid lockdown and I did an interview and he’s so passionate and he told me his story about how he had asthma as a child and then how he seen Constantine. We take those flyer and he went to one of his talks and he’d been for the 20 years of his life, you know, a chronic use of some sort to muscle the ventolin inhalers and taken everything. And the doctors had said to him, you know, there’s no real cure. You just have to keep on with the medications. And so since then, he had instant results from the big take home method and he’s dedicated his life to this. You know.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:37:57] And we’ve we’ve had Patrick on the show several times and we’ve actually also had James Nestor on as well. I mean, in yoga, they do say life is in the breath. And, you know, there’s a lot more to breathing than just being alive.
Beverley Holt [00:38:12] Exactly. Exactly. That’s a really good quote.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:38:17] Yes. Now, listen, I know in the last few years, because you’ve been very passionate and you literally been on a journey, but also of not just a physical journey of visiting lots of farms, but your interest in regenerative agriculture is also a very profound and. Tell us why and what you’ve observed. Yeah.
Beverley Holt [00:38:42] Up until three and a half years ago, I was living in France for 11 years, and it’s always been my dream to buy land in France and build a holistic retreat and also buy land in Australia. And we started looking for the land, and then Covid happened in France. And so that put my dream on hold there. And then because, you know, it was very new to everyone, the Covid, there was a lot of fear based on nobody knew what was really happening. And Brown’s parents lived here in Australia, where I lived for 20 years previously, and they they really wanted us to come back. And at that time, there was hardly zero cases of Covid here. So when we were able one, because no flights came here, as you know, for years, and when we were able, we came out and then we got stuck in a lockdown and we thought, wow, this is crazy. And the war just started happening in Ukraine. They were put in restrictions on us going back, and we decided to buy a camper van. But you couldn’t get one for love or money because it was about 19 months weightless. So we decided to buy a van. And with Brian’s engineering skills, he self-built one. And we thought, maybe the universe is telling us to start a health and wellness retreat here instead. You know, start here first, because idea was to have a summer in Australia and a summer in France. So just follow the sun and be with happy people because when the sun shines, everybody’s happy. And yeah, just let other people use the land as well for retreats. But when we started travelling around, I was heartbroken because the land was so degraded and it was like, my goodness, what happened to Australia? You know, there was some. But we’ve since discovered because we’re not farmers, that, you know, this is happening because of either chemical use, the ploughing overgrazing and so forth. So the land is actually in a crisis at the moment. And because I work spiritually and energetically, I, I’m also I was born clairvoyant, my mother was clairvoyant and I lived in 11 different countries. And I just go where I’m told to go. And it was like, right, you need to do some work on the land. So I’ve been Reiki. You can Reiki yourself, you can write to your computers, you can send Reiki to past lives if you believe in them, Reiki to past life in this lifetime or future lifetimes, you can also send it to animals on the land. So I’ve been given reiki to the land everywhere I go, every single day for the last three and a half years. And yeah, and in my journey I’ve met lots of farmers and they all, many of them are pioneers of different types of regenerative farming. And the I just feel so blessed. And they’ve all offered almost to them, if we buy land too, they will come and rejuvenate the land. So, so our path has taken a different direction. And we’ve also met people in the hemp industry who can rejuvenate the land quicker. So we were not thinking of buy a much bigger land and maybe happen like Peter’s natural sequence form in Peter Andrews in one one paddock, maybe classical regenerative farming in another paddock, holistic farming in another pandemic and maybe hemp in another paddock. You know, we just see. But I personally, after speaking to so many farmers, I think a lot of what they’re doing is can be used together. And I know in Charlie’s Massie’s book I’ve been reading, he talked about many top farmers who are pioneers and how they all incorporate little bits of each other’s. Work. And I personally think, you know, everybody is starting to wake up since the lockdown. A lot more people are more conscious of what they’re eating, what they buy in. Just because it’s cheap doesn’t mean to say it’s good. And with the farmers that we’ve visited, we’ve noticed they’re all so exhausted, you know, they’re really tired. We’ve met farmers who are using chemicals, but they’d rather transition to natural sequence farming. I’ve interviewed, as you know, Rachel Ward and Martin Royds and a few others who work conventional farming. Martin Royds actually, from the round up, his body had an allergic reaction. His body swell up, so he decided to change. And then Rachel’s through going back to live on the land and talking to a neighbour whose father had originally told her about the chemicals and she was happy just doing chemical farming. Then the son she had from a friend about regenerative farming. So this is how she made the switch. Some people are switching and because Rachel said to a grandchild, she. So I want my child to be healthy. And this is what lots of farmers are telling me. And so they started doing, you know, to organic food and they in farm to plate, you know, or they called similar to that. So there’s quite a few farmers. And now I know that a lot of the hemp industries there’s a guy up in Gold Coast there helping farmers with their debt to the banks from the chemicals and helping to to pay off their debts so that they can gradually take away. Because, as you know, Ron, once every ten days a farmer commits suicide. And I’ve asked a lot of farmers, why do you think this is? And it’s because they’re in such huge debt. And when you’re working and you’re tired and exhausted, it’s going to affect your family life. You know, maybe some of the farmers get divorced and maybe some farmers want their children to take over. But the children see their family, their parents struggling, tired, exhausted, barely making ends meet. They don’t see that as a good option. And then the poor farmer who might have been 5 or 6 generations, farmers are then saying they’ve got no legacies. This is what the farmers I’ve been talking to thinking.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:46:09] Well, I know that you’re on a you are on a journey of discovery, but also literally going around the country and visiting many people and interviewing them. And it’s quite a journey you’ve been on yourself, I mean, from the beginning as a as a nurse, a psych nurse through massage, meditation, Reiki breath. And now on to the farm. I mean, it’s it’s a great story, Beverley And I think if more people were in tune with the energy of the universe and bringing that healing power to, to the population, we would be in a far better place. Look, we’ll have, we’re going to have links to your site and your podcast. Of course I did on a commercial for your podcast. But thank you so much for joining us today and sharing your story and your knowledge with us.
Beverley Holt [00:46:59] Thank you, Ron. It’s been an absolute pleasure.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:47:01] Well, there is something so powerful about energy, isn’t it? I mean, it’s what drives every atom in our body. Every cell in our body is driven by energy. It’s why the sun is so important. It’s why the earth is so important. It’s why nutrients are so important. And it’s why respecting other forms of energy and how we use or abuse them is also so important. So Reiki fascinates me and I’ve not experienced it myself, but I’m certainly going to be booking in for a session of Reiki because I truly believe that intention and energy and working closely with another person who understands that and is willing to guide that is potentially a very powerful thing. Intention and energy are a powerful combination. I’ll have links to Beverly’s website in her podcast. I would also encourage you to join our unstressed health community where there is a tremendous amount of energy being directed towards just one thing, and that is improving individual health. And as I often say, as the world we live in becomes increasingly more complicated and unstressed health. And in the unstressed health community, we. Believe the solutions are remarkably simple, accessible, cheap, sustainable, and most importantly, effective. I’d encourage you to join that on and stress Go there and you’ll find there is a great deal of resources to be shared there. I hope this find you will. Until next time. This is Dr. Ron Erlich. He Well, this podcast provides general information and discussion about medicine, health and related subjects. This content is not intended and should not be construed as medical advice or is a substitute for care by a qualified medical practitioner. If you or any other person has a medical concern, he or she should consult with an appropriately qualified medical practitioner. Guests who speak in this podcast express their own opinions, experiences and conclusions.