Dr Ron Ehrlich
Over 40years of clinical practice Dr Ron has developed his health model of how stress affects our health
B.D.S (Syd Uni) FACNEM (Dent) Dr. Ron Ehrlich, or ‘Dr. Ron’ as he is affectionately known, is one of Australia’s leading holistic health advocates, educators, a broadcaster and a holistic dentist. Over 40 years of clinical practice Dr. Ron has developed his health model of how stress affects our health; breaking stress down to emotional, environmental, nutritional, structural and dental stressors. The model has shaped Dr. Ron’s keynotes, lectures and workshops both in locally and internationally. Dr. Ron is developing one of the world’s first web-based corporate & public health and wellness programs, “Untsress: Simply Be Well” founded on 5 pillars of health; sleep, breathe, nourish, move and think, also exploring the unique 5 stressor model.