Category Archives for "Nutrition"

A guide to setting a benchmark for optimal nutrition

Most people have no idea how good they can feel. They think that symptoms such as bloating, gas, poor bowel movements (diarrhea/constipation), low energy, chronic pain are all a normal part of life. Few people make a connection between what they eat and how they feel as having a direct influence. Good nutrition is key […]

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Anti-inflammatory foods and lifestyle changes to reduce inflammation

Inflammation is the body’s first response to a physical trauma and injury, or to a microbial attack. I’ve explored the role of inflammation and stress in health and disease here. While reducing stress is essential to good health, there are also some anti-inflammatory foods we can include to help reduce inflammation. Herbs and Spices These […]

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Mineral Imbalances – reasons for low levels and associated conditions

Minerals are essential for good health. Like vitamins they help the body grow, develop and thrive. Without optimum levels essential processes in the body will not function properly. Energy, nerves, immune health and hormone production all reduce. Additionally bones, muscles, the heart and brain require sufficient amounts to function. Divided into two categories: macro-minerals and […]

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Why methylation matters and causes for methylation defects

Methylation is among the most important processes in the human body, occurring billions of times every second. It is crucial in the detoxification of chemicals and toxins. It plays a key role in DNA and RNA synthesis and repair, the stress response, cell membrane repair and fat metabolism. Methylation is involved in neurotransmitter production, hormone […]

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Tips for cooking and eating at home more – stress free

People who eat and cook at home eat healthier and eat less food compared to those who do not. With countless health benefits, eating at home is also cheaper and ensures you will have leftovers for lunches the following day. Below are my favourite tips to get you cooking at home more. Keep it simple Some […]

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