This is a great recipe for getting more vegetables into your day. Whether you have it for breakfast, lunch or dinner – it is full of all the good stuff. It’s a great recipe to use up leftover veg in the fridge. It’s adaptable and there are no rules if you use the vegetables I have, or use some of your other favourites.
The benefits
This particular recipe features some vitamin C powerhouses which are great for supporting the immune system and protecting against oxidative stress. The big one is the inclusion of kohlrabi, where one cup contains 140% of your recommended vitamin C intake. Additionally red capsicum and tomato also feature in the recipe, both high in vitamin C. Leeks are also included, a sulfur containing compound that fights free radicals in the body, as well as supporting liver function. Leeks contain good quantities of vitamin A and K, as well as B vitamins that may support heart health by reducing homocysteine levels.
Perhaps the biggest nutritional powerhouse in this recipe are the eggs. Eggs are a rich source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Both the egg white and egg yolk are beneficial. The whites are rich sources of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper. The egg yolk contains fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Not to mention beneficial betaine and choline in eggs. Each egg offers about 6g of protein and really are an essential part of a good diet. Ensure they are pasture raised for optimal nutritional benefit.
- 1 kohlrabi
- 3 tomatoes
- 1 capsicum
- 1 leek
- 4 eggs
- Paprika
Peel the kohlrabi and chop into 2-3cm cubes. Heat a little olive oil over a medium to high heat and add the kohlrabi. After 5mins or when the kohlrabi begins to go a little golden, add roughly chopped leek (the green and white section) to the pan. After 1min add roughly chopped capsicum and tomato. Continue to cook the veggies together for another couple of minutes until the tomatoes soften. Once the vegetables have cooked through add a sprinkle of paprika, salt and pepper. I also like to add a splash of apple cider vinegar at this stage as it helps unstick the veggies from the pan but also adds a lovely flavour. Now you are ready to make 4 small wells in the vegetables that you can add the cracked eggs to. Once the eggs have had a chance to cook a little in the well, place the entire pan under the grill for another minute or two to ensure the whites are cooked. Serve straight from the pan and enjoy.
As I said, this recipe is very adaptable. Add in some shredded kale or spinach to up the greens. Use sweet potato or pumpkin instead of the kohlrabi. Substitute onion for the leek, or add freshly chopped herbs for some freshness.
Listen: Dr. Ron Ehrlich’s Green Byte 1 Episode: Veganism. Post continues after audio.
Nutrition is essential to good health, but it can be confusing. I explore why it is confusing and how to take control of your own nutrition in my book A Life Less Stressed, click here to order your copy.