Show Notes
- Rob Prior website
- Rob Prior books:
- Michael Adamedes website
- Bruce Lipton Unstress Episode
- Bruce Lipton book – Biology of Belief
- Dr David Hawkins books
- Thomas Seyfriend Unstress Episode
- Professor Paul Gilbert Unstress Episode
- Dr Ron Ehrlich Health Coaching
- PQ Assessment – Understand your Saboteurs
[00:00:00] Introduction and acknowledgment of land and people by Dr Ron Ehrlich.
[00:01:30] Dr Ehrlich’s background and shift to health coaching.
[00:03:47] Introduction of guest Rob Prior and his health challenges.
[00:04:29] Rob’s emotional crises and encounter with transformative psychotherapy.
[00:09:49] Discussion on the origins of emotional distress and the power of mindset.
[00:13:04] Rob’s diagnosis with late-stage kidney cancer and his decision against conventional treatments.
[00:18:34] Rob’s exploration of alternative healing methods and meeting with Dr. Chris.
[00:26:25] The impact of a proper diet and lifestyle changes on Rob’s recovery.
[00:31:36] Insights from Dr Bruce Lipton on the biology of belief.
[00:37:05] The therapeutic benefits of music and creative expression in healing.
[00:43:21] Meeting with Pete Malouf, an organic store owner, who provided further guidance on natural healing.
[00:48:01] Rob’s comprehensive approach to cancer as a metabolic disease.
[00:53:29] The importance of a holistic approach, incorporating mind, body, and spirit.
[00:57:39] Final thoughts and reflection on the power of mindset and the patient’s journey to self-healing.
Rob Prior: The Healing Power of Cancer
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to Unstress. My name is Doctor Ron Ehrlich. Before I start, I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which I’m recording this podcast. The Gadigal people of the Eora nation who fought tens of thousands of years have, nurtured the land on which we now live with a process of respecting the people and country. Inseparable. Connecting with people in country, reflecting on people and country and directing their actions accordingly. I’d like to pay my respects to their elders, past, present and emerging. Well, I’ve been a health practitioner for over 40 years, but in the last two years I have become a health coach and with a particular focus on individual health coaching and workplace wellbeing. And what I’ve come to realise is that obviously we face daily challenges, but what is key is the mindset with which we approach those challenges. And then of course, how we recover each and every time. But when one of those challenges is as a serious, illness, well, that requires recovery on a, on a much broader scale. But lessons to be learnt from daily recovery and recovery from illness. But mindset is the key. Well, your mind can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. And, reflecting back on a podcast that I did with, Bruce Lipton, a mentor and hero of mine who wrote a terrific book called The Biology of Belief. Thoughts are things that attach to cell membranes called. And those things, neurotransmitters which attach to cell membranes and cause you chains to express themselves in either a positive or negative way. So this is a really important aspect mindset. Well, my guest today is Rob Pryor, Australian educator, author, musician. Well, in his 50s, Rob, like many people, was seriously stressed and actually sought psychological counselling with several practitioners and eventually found a psychotherapist that truly struck a chord. Made a huge impact on his life, and he shares that story with us today. But the two of them went on to co-write, in 2011 a book called Say Hello to Happiness The Healing Mindset. But in 2013, Rob, like many people in Australia and in fact globally, experienced his worst nightmare when he was diagnosed with late stage three kidney cancer and a damaged liver. Now that story that ensued is a truly inspiring and empowering story. It led to his second book, The Healing Power of Cancer A True Story of Determination and Spiritual Transformation. Well, Rob did indeed experience a remarkable emotional and creative transformation. How could that worst nightmare become his greatest blessing? Now, you may be listening to this or you may be watching this on YouTube. So spoiler alert I’m going to describe the man I talk to in 2024. I chatted with him 11 years after that devastating diagnosis that was supposedly devastating. And I can tell you, the man that set before me is a very fit and healthy looking man in his 60s. So the story, whether you have had a diagnosis or not, is a great story for us all, in sickness and in health. I hope you enjoy this conversation I had with Rob prior. Welcome to the show, Rob.
Rob Prior [00:03:48] Hello, Ron. Great to be here.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:03:49] Rob, you have, you’ve got quite a story to tell. And your background is education. And, you’ve written two books, the first of which is called Say Hello to Happiness The Healing Mindset, which you first did, co-authored in March with Michael Adam Edis, a psychologist in 2011, and, then the second edition in 2022. And then you’ve written another book called The Healing Power of Cancer. I know something happened in between all of that. That was significant. I wondered if you might share with us a little bit about your story. Firstly, how you came to write the first book and then what happened?
Rob Prior [00:04:29] Okay. The first book. Well, I guess the short, concise version of the story is I had major emotional crises in the 1990s. I was in a particular relationship and started off fabulously, as they always do, madly in love. And then things started to go wrong and reached crisis point. Time and time again was became very problematic, very stressful, more than stressful. And I sought help from different therapists who were very lovely people, but achieved precisely nothing, a whole string of them, at the best of intentions, but didn’t really shift me to a better place. So eventually someone said, there’s only one person you should see, and that’s Michael Adams. He’s. He’s one of the most brilliant psychotherapists around, possibly one of the most brilliant in the world. So that’s a big claim. I said, well, go and go and see and see what you think. And they were right. Within the first session, 80% of my stress and anxiety and anger and resentment and all that had, disappeared or released, however you want to call it. And I was impressed. I thought, this guy’s amazing. He’s achieving what other people couldn’t achieve. He’s the real deal. And he’s got his own original technique called deep PC dysfunctional pattern clearing, along with breathwork, otherwise known as rebirthing, which are all very powerful techniques and got me to a better place very quickly, very effective. He knew exactly what he was doing.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:05:56] So so so, Rob, just just to pause there for a moment was, having had experience with different psychotherapists, and to have that kind of an impact within your first session. And, and I might just share with you that I’ve had a similar experience, with a therapist as well, in the first session. Chair with this, what was it that was different in that first period, in that first session? I mean, he’s clearly articulated some techniques, but they obviously resonated with you.
Rob Prior [00:06:32] Well, I think number one, he has a profound understanding of human psychology, and it comes a lot from his own experience in his own crises and traumas earlier in his life, which he’d managed to release and resolve, which put him in a strong position so he could relate to what the client is going through. But, also his techniques are very precise. They’re very like a detective where he actually, within the first 20 to 30 minutes, he figures out precisely what is causing your emotional disturbance. And, by asking a series of questions, it’s I think it’s an extension of NLP, neuro linguistic programming. But then also I think there’s that wonderful mystical, dimension of intuition which is hard to quantify, where he just feels, he senses energetically where the client is that and he can sense that’s the wrong road to go down. So he tries a different line of questioning and he goes down a different road. And he can sense by the, the aura, if I can, that this is the right road to go down. And before you know it, you’re sitting there as a client and you start trying. And he said, this is good. We’re releasing it. And it is good that at first I thought, this is weird. And then I thought, no, no, this is the intention is to release these pent up emotions that have been there for years or even decades. And so I started to get to understand the process as a client, as a patient. And he’s got a very analytical mind. So he looks at it from a scientific point of view. It’s not considered a hard science. Psychology has always been considered a soft science, but I think his approach is more the hard science way that there are precise reasons for things. And in fact, he whittle it down, he narrowed it down that he believes there are only three primal, subconscious, limiting beliefs that any human being holds which causes any kind of emotional disturbance.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:08:29] Wow. Now, I know I noticed that in your book. I noticed that in that book. And I was going to ask you about that. But go on, just give us some high level.
Rob Prior [00:08:37] It took him years to figure it out. At one point, he thought there might be four categories of beliefs that cause people to be upset. Some people would say, oh, I’m sad because she said that to me, or he broke a promise or this happened or that happened. But he said, no, no, that’s not why we’re upset. We’re upset by the way we interpret the things that are happening, not what’s actually happening. Those things might be triggers, but they’re only triggers for something that’s already inside of you. And I know Wayne Dyer is one of my heroes. American author, and speaker that talks about the orange juice effect that if you cut up an orange and squeeze it, what comes out? Orange juice? And then he says, why? And you don’t know where he’s going with this, but he said, because there’s orange juice inside of you. He said, now if you take an angry person and you squeeze them, anger comes out. But if that person no longer has anger, if the anger has been eliminated, you can squeeze them and that anger will not come out. They might laugh or come back with a quick retort or you know they won’t be angry. That’s something that happens.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:09:39] So one of those three high level beliefs just give us the high level. You know, we don’t. I’d love to get a Michael on to discuss it further, but I just in truth.
Rob Prior [00:09:49] Number one, I am unworthy. Number two, I am unsafe. And number three I am alone. And he claims and I believe this because I spent three and a half years co-writing this book with him. Say hello to happiness. And I actually challenged him in the early stages and said well I’m going to test this theory, I’m going to try and shred it. I’m going to try and discredit this theory, not discredit, but but, demolish it. You know, as a scientist, I want to see if it’s robust. So, I said, what about this situation and that situation? This he said, well, at first when you mentioned a combination of the first two beliefs, the second one you mentioned would be exclusively the third. The third one you mentioned might be all three beliefs, kicking into place, such as when a relationship breaks up. You may feel unworthy because why would that person leave you unsafe? Because that person helped me financially to pay my bills. We were contributing on the rent or the mortgage together, or there could be other reasons or unsafe. And then third, I am alone. Well, that’s pretty obvious that have relationships broken up. You can easily feel alone, but that person is my. The love of my life is no longer there. So. So that would be all three beliefs are kicking into place, he said. But again, it’s not the external trigger that’s causing the grief. It’s your own interpretation of it. Because you could say, well, that relationship wasn’t working. I must be ready for something better around the corner. And really that is a possibility. It’s like if you get fired from your job, maybe just about to get a better job. It is possible. And I know many people where exactly that’s happened. They’ve lost a lucrative job. They’ve been despondent about it. But then they try and pick themselves up, adopt a positive attitude. And what do you know, a few days or a few weeks later, bang, they’ve got a new job which is more fulfilling. Better remuneration, better staff to work with, more room for promotion. Just everything about it is better than the last job. So it’s all. It’s all in the mind. Everything is in the mind. Our perception of life is everything.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:11:50] Yes. So that’s quite liberating, isn’t it? Because it’s a theme that we’ve explored on this podcast, and I have in my own book a lot less stress. And that is that while we do not have control over, other people and events in the world, we do have control about how we think about those things. And in fact, that’s our biggest control.
Rob Prior [00:12:10] Well, I agree with what you said, and I would make a distinction on this point. You said we don’t have control of the events and the people, external to myself and what happens. But I think what happens is as you adopt a more positive, more resourceful, more resilient attitude to live your the human aura, so one’s own aura is actually magnetic and you actually draw. The people and the circumstances and the opportunities that you deserve. Now, if your attitude is very negative and resentful and hostile, unfortunately you’re probably going to attract people who are going to give you grief and circumstances which are less than desirable. If your attitude is loving, particularly positive, optimistic, resourceful, you’re probably going to attract some really beautiful, amazing people and some extraordinary opportunities in your life because there is that like attracts like principle of the universe. I do believe.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:13:04] No, I absolutely agree with you. And, and I actually believe that if we explore five particular powers that we have, and that is to explore what other people are doing to empathise with them, then we can innovate and seek way to go and really put things in place. So this gets very to the centre of something, you know, this is music to my ears. Rob, this story of yours, because it’s one that I share passionately with you. So you’ve written this book. You’ve had this. What did he call it again? Dysfunctional pattern clearing. Clear.
Rob Prior [00:13:42] Deep. Dysfunctional pattern clear. Love it, love it. His own original technique. It’s very well refined. He’s actually trained other therapists to use his techniques. And it’s worked. Is well documented. You.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:13:55] Know, book. Yes. And I also love the incorporation of breathwork into this. I mean, you know, the secret to living a healthy life? You know, we talk about press on this program, although rebirthing is something that I definitely need to do a program on, but with the breathwork, that goes with that. But but let’s, you know, you write this book, you collaborated on this book. The first edition came out in 2011, but your second book gives us a clue as to what may have happened to you along the way. Tell us what happened next.
Rob Prior [00:14:30] Well, I had a very successful educational business, career education in Australia. We coached, it was its after school and weekend tuition for high school students, particularly the final exams, which are called the HSC High School Certificate in New South Wales. We had thousands of students. It was a very successful business which I founded and and was the CEO and taught mathematics classes. But there was a price that I paid for being a workaholic, which is that I wasn’t looking after my health, which there’s no excuse because you could do both. You could run a successful educational business and take care of your health. But I was eating the wrong sort of foods. Not exercising enough, putting on weight, not getting sunshine, just doing all the wrong things. And, my health was spiralling down. But it’s gradual. You don’t notice these things because you focus on teaching classes and running the business and mentoring the students and all the things that go with it hiring, training, occasionally firing someone. But if you’re focussed on on building the business and improving it. And so I took my eye off the ball, I suppose you could say, until late 2012, my health was really suffering. I was getting all sorts of aches and pains, lower back pain, which initially the chiropractor said was, just wear and tear from from the ageing process, which I later found out to be not true because when I lost the weight most, about 95, 98% of that back pain disappeared. So it cannot be just the ageing process. And then I also learnt that the human body has the capacity to regenerate itself, even worn and torn, joints and ligaments and just everything. So and then by January, I was in a dreadful, dreadful state of health where I had, a massive lump on my back, a rash which was extremely itchy on my lower left leg. Massive rash, like about ten centimetres long, swelling under the ears, swelling under the arms. Stabbing pains in my lower right abdomen, 24 over seven, which makes it very hard to sleep. And when you go for a few nights in a row without sleep, you start to go a bit stir crazy. So that’s exacerbating everything headaches, nausea, fatigue, the list goes on. Bloodshot eyes. And I thought, there’s something dreadfully wrong here. At first you just keep functioning and you think, oh, right, well, it’s the ageing process. But it wasn’t. There was something going on and I thought at one point I had a neurological disorder because I have the shakes now I can hold up my hands pretty steady. Back then the hand would be like that. The whole body of the shakes. There’s something dreadfully wrong. So, went to the local medical centre. Who, the GP was very lovely, fellow of British origin who arranged a whole series of blood tests. Urine, faeces, ultrasound scans, nothing more. Blood tests, more everything. Tests nothing. He said. Look, it seems like you’re in good health. I said I’m not. I’m in terrible health. I feel like I’m. I. I’ve never felt so I don’t know. It’s possible to feel so ill.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:17:39] How old were you at this point?
Rob Prior [00:17:41] Yeah, that would have been mid 50s.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:17:43] Right? So not old?
Rob Prior [00:17:45] No, I’m now in my mid 60s. Yes. Well, that’s.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:17:48] I mean, not.
Rob Prior [00:17:48] Old, not all. No. And hopefully we both got a long way to go. So. Yes.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:17:52] Go on.
Rob Prior [00:17:53] But, eventually the when I was in the, pathology clinic getting the ultrasound, the nurse took the initiative of calling a doctor in. And then the doctor said, can we do CT scans, Cat scans. Now they’re supposed to actually get the doctor’s written referral, but she was asking to bend the rules. I said sure, let’s just do it. I get the protocols. I just want to find out what the hell is going on. I’m really ill. And when the scans came back they showed a 6.5cm tumour in my right kidney. Wow. Which was shocking. But at least I knew what was going on. And when I walked out of the GP’s office after that information I broke down crying. I was just shattered.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:18:34] Interesting. Interesting.
Rob Prior [00:18:35] And then he arranged to see the specialist first thing the next morning, which is the Friday morning. And then the specialist confirmed and said, yes, he’s 39% sure. It’s, renal carcinoma, which means kidney cancer.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:18:47] Hmhm and prognosis.
Rob Prior [00:18:50] Yes. Recommended surgery ASAP. So this was a Friday. He said he could fit me in the coming Tuesday. And I said, who would the surgeon be? He said, me. Now, Eddie said, I think we need to move quickly on this. Your lives are at stake and we really need to do something about this now, if I can. You didn’t ask me this, but if I can throw this in my $0.02. Yes. From what I’ve gathered, many or most people would trust the doctor’s advice and say, well, look, the doctor’s the expert. I’m not the expert. They do this for a living. They’re highly trained. If they say I must move quickly, I must move quickly. There’s no time to muck around with this. But there’s something about me that makes me question, authority figures which can be good and sometimes can be, cause a bit of trouble. But mostly it’s worked very well for me in my life. My father taught me to question government, corporations, media, even school.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:19:47] While voting.
Rob Prior [00:19:49] I don’t like it, but I questioned him. Go ahead. Sorry. Go ahead.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:19:52] No, I will. I’m just going to say there’s a whole story there which we could digress on, but I hear your father loud and clear. And in 2023, that message is more important than ever before. But go on.
Rob Prior [00:20:04] I think so, yes. And we can. I’ll be happy to speak.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:20:08] We can, we can.
Rob Prior [00:20:08] You know, Rob.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:20:09] Do me a favour. Do me a favour and just tilt your camera, your laptop down so I can your top of your head. No, it’s disappearing the other way. That’s it? Yes. Go. Just the top of your head.
Rob Prior [00:20:20] My top of my, receding hairline. That’s right. So, so you were.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:20:24] You were not type. So to go in on Joe for.
Rob Prior [00:20:28] No, no. See, and I find this rather interesting because we’re talking about mindset and psychology. My intuition, I, I smelled a rat, I thought, and I started doing a bit of, I teach mathematics, and I started to do a little bit of a mental calculation. I said to him, how much will the surgery cost? And he said, well, if you don’t have health insurance, it’ll cost around 20,000. I said, well, okay. And how much of that goes to you? He said, do you really need to know this? And I said, well, I’d like to know what is the secret? He said, no, well, is it about 10,000 would go to me. And I said, the rest. He said, well, that goes to the hospital for the room, hire the anaesthetist and there are other expenses involved. I said, fair enough. Another the mental calculation and figured out he’s probably earning around $500,000 a year, a half million dollars a year. But I’ve spoken to people since then, and the consensus seems to be probably more than $1 million a year gross. Now that’s I’ve got no problem with anyone earning a living, honestly contributing to community. But I just felt and this this is under a lot of pressure. You’ve got to understand we’re all overwhelmed and anxious.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:21:30] Yes, yes, this is it. This is quite a time to be making these kind of calculations. I mean, it certainly shows a mindset there. Rob, which, you know, with. Go on, go on.
Rob Prior [00:21:41] This is to a life. I’ve taught mathematics for 48 years now. It was 30 years then that I can’t help myself. So it served me well. I thought, could there be a financial incentive? It was just a question. And, you know, is he try to railroad me into this treatment? So I said to him, can I think about it? And he said, certainly, but I wouldn’t think about it for too long. Now again, I believe many people I’ve spoken to many people about this, dozens of people about it. And they said, well, you know, surely you’d go by that advice. It’s professional advice. I said, no, I, it made me want to go the opposite way. If he’s trying to push me into it, it feels like coercion and I don’t like to be coerced into anything. So I thought, well, I’ve got time to think about it, to contemplate it a little. I don’t have to agree right here and now. It’s like if you were to use car sale, sales yard, you don’t have to agree right then and there that you’re going to buy that vehicle. You can go to the next yard along and the next one and compare and go home and think about it overnight or even a week. What you can take the time to make an informed decision and give informed consent in this case. So I work with that industry. This was the Prince of Wales Hospital in Randwick, Sydney, and which is kind of irrelevant. It’s just a big hospital, and walk down the street again, broke down crying, thought, oh my God, oh my God. I just can’t believe I’m smiling now. But I wasn’t smiling then. Now I can imagine, you know, this is just my worst nightmare. And this might sound crazy, but I thought bad things happen to other people. It’s a terrible way to think, because anything can happen to anyone at any time. But I thought, I can’t believe this is happening. Other people get cancer. How could I possibly have a cancer diagnosis? How did this happen? So I called up Michael at a meetings who were talking about earlier on. Now he’s not a doctor. It’s not a herbalist. It’s not a natural path, is none of the above. He’s a psychotherapist, but I consider him a very wise person and a very intuitive, and learned person and, just very insightful. So I said to him, well, he knew the day before that I was, that I possibly had this diagnosis. Now he’s confirming it with him. And I said, this is the diagnosis. This is the prognosis. What do you say? And he said, quick as a flesh don’t get. The surgery. I said, well, you’re pretty definitive about that. My life is at stake, he said. That’s why I’m saying it, because your lives are at stake. He said things can go wrong under the knife, you know. I said, yeah, but what are the odds? He said, higher than you might think. He said, and also, they’re taking a vital organ out of your body. Don’t just think they can cut it out. And then you heal and then you bounce back and life goes on as normal. He said it doesn’t work like that. He said the human body is a sacred organ organism. Sorry. And you take something out and the whole body goes out of whack. We’re not supposed to have a kidney removed. He said, we’ve got two kidneys for a very good reason. So I listen to him. I’ve always listened to him, and I respect him enormously because he proved himself to be correct so many times in the past. You know, people develop a reputation that they win the correct. Correct. Correct. Correct, correct. And never falter and never tell lies or manipulate you. You develop a deep trust, and the trust just gets deeper and deeper the more that they treat you like that. So I trusted him. Long history. And he said, listen, there’s this fellow called Doctor Chris who is an integrative doctor in the same, holistic, healing clinic. But I practice my psychotherapy in Ennerdale, Sydney. He said he’s got a very good track record for curing people of cancer. And I said hang on this sounds interesting but slow down curing like does that happen. Can you use them. You mean put them in remission. He said no not remission. No. He said curing where it’s gone. The tumours completely gone by natural processes, no amino poison and it never comes back. I said that’s a big claim. He said, I know, but he said, I’ve worked alongside this fella for many years and I’ve, some of his clients, cancer clients come to me for the psychotherapy part of the recovery. So they go hand in hand. And I knew about that mind body spirit. So he said no, no he’s got a good track record and this guy is the real deal. He said you should try and as soon as quickly as possible. So I managed to see Doctor Chris that same day. So it’s all happening very quickly. You got the Thursday afternoon with the GP saying possible renal carcinoma Friday morning with the specialists saying 99% sure. And then 2 p.m. the same day with the integrative doctor. It’s happening very fast because that’s another thing I don’t you know, I don’t muck around. If you’ve got something to deal with, you don’t say, I must get around to it sometime. You know, you do it as soon as you can.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:26:25] I must admit, I’m Rob, I must admit, because I’m just still picturing you with swollen glands, rash, lump on the back of you on your back. Massive, overweight, very unwell. Given a diagnosis of renal cancer, which I think had been. Must have been quite advanced to be of that size.
Rob Prior [00:26:45] Stage through.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:26:46] Stage three. And, and, you know, all of these things going on and not having slept, so as well as that and you make a call, which is great, you know, I mean, here you are, here we are in 20, 23 or 24 and and I’m, I’m guessing just looking at you that things turned out well.
Rob Prior [00:27:08] I’m top health. I’m in great health. I’m in better health than the before. I’m sick even.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:27:13] Isn’t that isn’t that interesting? Cause, you know, we talk about mindset and a very, a little game that I like to play with my clients in coaching is a three gifts game. You know, where think of the worst thing that has ever happened to you in your life and, and try to think of three positive things that came of it, even as difficult as that may be. And a lot of people say the diagnosis of cancer was the best thing that ever happened to me.
Rob Prior [00:27:40] There’s a whole chapter in towards the end of my book. I’m just looking it up now hold. It’s about the blessings that came. Which is what you’re talking about. Yes. Give me one second. If you in just a bit, you get the idea.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:27:52] I’ll call you. Yeah.
Rob Prior [00:27:53] It’s called my spiritual transformation.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:27:55] Yes. Right.
Rob Prior [00:27:57] I tapped into a newfound energy, getting greater self-esteem, a renewed sense of purpose. My brain fog lifted and everything started to sparkle. Being faced what I would read very much. Yeah. They faced with a life threatening crisis, was a golden opportunity to do some deep introspection and reinvent myself. In doing so, I’ve reclaimed my life. Then it goes on to say I lost 30 kilos in weight. I now feel young again and face each day with renewed vigour and purpose. I’ve learnt that health is wealth, so yeah, blessing. But you know, that’s the mindset that we were talking about earlier that you have to adopt and it works. Optimism works, and believing and visualising that you’re going to make it at the other end of the tunnel. It really works because be careful what you wish for. Be careful what you believe because that’s what you’re going to create. Your dominant thought is going to create your reality. It’s as simple as that. And I think a lot of cancer patients go into panic, and which I did originally, I really did, and I really thought I was going to die, but I snapped myself out of it fairly quickly. Took a few days and a few weeks, and it’s a gradual process, but, I hold myself out of that state and thought, no, goddamn it, I’m going to live. I’m going to conquer this thing come hell or high water. Another find a way of doing it. I’m going to find the people, the information and whatever the right information is, I’m going to do it diligently. With with discipline. I’m going to make this happen. So it’s that determination that really does pay off. And it’s not just wishful thinking, it’s deeper than that. Yes. And it’s that, conversely, anyone who thinks, oh, you know, I’m a goner. This is this is this is a spiral into death. Nothing. You know, it’s looking bleak. I can’t see any way out of this. There’s a good chance they are going to die, unfortunately, because that that mental attitude is going to take them down the wrong road.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:29:45] And it’s so important, is it not to really believe? I mean, not just to say, not just to pay lip service to it and have doubts in your mind. That’s why the mind work is so important. Because. Cause you really have to feel it. You really have to believe it.
Rob Prior [00:30:02] You do. And I had to work on it. It didn’t happen overnight. I was doing affirmations over and over again every day, in every way. My health is improving. I trust my body’s remarkable self-healing capacities, these sort of affirmations and many more over and over and over and over. Because by that stage, fortunately, I had enough, knowledge from working with Michael on that first book on my own personal development a good ten years earlier, that I was able to bring that to the table and apply it to my current situation of physical illness. Before it was emotional distress. That was physical illness. So affirmations and then as you say, these affirmations, they sink deeper into the subconscious. And then you wake up one day and like you were saying, you truly believe it. You know, you’re not faking it til you make it. You believe it in every fibre of your body. And I was I woke up one morning, I was smiling, I thought, what’s that all about? My brain, that process that during my dream state, to the point where I believed it on the deepest part of my being, on the deepest level of the subconscious mind. And I thought, I know I’m going to make it not I hope or I wish. I know this is going to happen with absolute certainty and clarity, and I even starting to learn how I’m going to do it. I’ve got a lot more to learn, but I know it’s going to happen, so I don’t have to worry about that. And my goal was a colossal benefit in helping me to get to that point by clearing all the obstacles in my way, in clearing the emotional triggers of the cancer. So I no longer had the anxiety. And once you free of the anxiety, you can think clearly to make the right decisions as well. Plus Doctor Bruce Lipton, if I can. Yes.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:31:36] I’ve interviewed Bruce, and he’s a, a hero of mine. But do you want me to. The biology of your belief?
Rob Prior [00:31:42] Yeah.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:31:43] Thoughts? Thoughts of things. Oh, absolutely. Neurotransmitters that attach onto cell membranes and cause our genes to express themselves. That’s a quote from Bruce.
Rob Prior [00:31:51] Like a quote, I love it.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:31:53] It is a quote, and I acknowledge him for it.
Rob Prior [00:31:56] And I thought he says the brain is the chemist. Now, what he means by like that is if you have stressful thoughts, negative thoughts, pessimistic thoughts, the brain will result. Will. Sorry. Release. Instruct the body to release hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline and epinephrine into the bloodstream. Once they go to the bloodstream, they cause a downward spiral in health. In other words, a spiral towards possibly death. So stressful thoughts could kill you. Your own thoughts could kill you, which is a type of unconscious habit. Suicide, I guess. And sabotage. That’s the bad news. The good news is positive thoughts, optimistic thoughts. Cause the brain to release healing hormones into the bloodstream, such as oxytocin. I’m reading this off the list here. That’s a present human growth hormone serotonin and dopamine. Yup. And that causes the body to release healing. But they are the healing hormones which then precipitate healing in any part of your body. So this is very interesting because it starts to put a question mark above doctors and drugs. Now doctors and drugs have a place. But when it comes to cancer, I believe, well, I believe natural healing is the best way to go. Mind, body and spirit. It’s got to be all dimensions. And I do think, treatments such as chemotherapy are extremely dangerous. Finish off one thread. I think that was a big part of my recovery. That once I got into this positive way of thinking. And it’s not just affirmations, it’s closing your eyes and doing specific visualisations. What else? Meditation. I was doing meditation every day of the week, sometimes up to an hour. By the way, that in itself is interesting because not only to create peace of mind, but I would start off in the meditation being with my physical body, being in incredible pain, just torturous pain. By the end of the meditation session, the pain at either completely gone or almost completely gone. Now, I can’t actually explain the science and the chemistry and the biology behind that, but I know from my own experience that’s what happened to me. And I’ve coached many people with cancer, and I’ve helped them with meditation techniques, and then they’ve reported back to me that a similar things happened to them. Their pain has disappeared and their anxiety and certainly disappeared. But it just shows again that the mind, the body and the spirit are all interwoven. You almost cannot separate. They’re all the one thing because really everything is energy. And once you get into the spiritual dimension your energy is soaring. There’s actually another authors of that hero of mine by the name of Doctor David Hawkins, wrote a book on power, power versus force. And, he actually mapped out the 17 different levels of human consciousness and the scale he put on a scale from 0 to 1000. And as you become more positive, more loving towards yourself and towards other people, it all starts with yourself to accept yourself, to love yourself. Once you’ve got that, you project that on the other people. You start to see the good side of them. You start to resolve any differences you might have. You start to avoid having differences in the first place. And. Also it will precipitate healing. Physical healing of illness. So he’s a big inspiration to me. Doctor David Hawkins Elvis’s post. Actually, there was a trilogy. The first was power versus force. The second book was The Eye of the eye of the eye Capital Light. The third book was just called I Just a Single Letter. He got to love the title.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:35:22] Yes.
Rob Prior [00:35:23] The first book is is Blew My Mind. It’s one of the most influential books I’ve ever read in my life. And Michael Edwards says the same thing. It recontextualized everything. But I started to see that you actually can embark on a self-improvement or self-healing journey where you ascend this ladder of consciousness and you just become more and more at peace with yourself and with the world, and then more and more wonderful. You attract wonderful people and opportunities into your life, and it’s just magical. And you, you can’t even explain why it’s happening. And I think some of that, a lot of that, in fact, was happening when I was on my healing journey. But I had to I got to I got to emphasise I had to work on this. I already had a good foundation from the healing I did with Michael and then writing three and a half years, co-writing the book, the first book with Michael. So I already have this foundation, but I still had to work on it because there were still moments of doubt and anguish, anxiety, and still a lot of fear and uncertainty. I still had to work my way through that, but I worked diligently on that in itself, as a as an exercise, because I realised the importance of that. Whereas many people who don’t have that background would say, let’s say to the doctor, look, you prescribed the chemo, let’s just do it, let’s just give this thing a go. Let’s kill this damn monster that’s inside of me. Whereas I didn’t see it as a monster inside of me, I saw that this was something I had created. Taking responsibility. I’d created my illness so equally, I could, create my illness. Or, if you like, create my wellness. That it’s, you know, it’s all about, stepping into your power, into your autonomy, your your sovereignty and taking responsibility and saying, well, if I created it, I can create the wellness. I don’t need to be pumped full of poisons, of highly toxic poisons.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:37:05] You also created somebody that was 30 kilos overweight. And within that is a story in itself about how that that you don’t just wake up one day and find yourself 30 kilos overweight, you need to put a lot of effort into that.
Rob Prior [00:37:20] Well, that wasn’t planned or intended, believe it or not.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:37:23] The losing of the weight.
Rob Prior [00:37:24] No, no, that just happened spontaneously with effortlessly because I radically changed my diet. So I.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:37:32] Wake up.
Rob Prior [00:37:32] I quit all sugars in a burning fruit. This was the advice given to me. Now that’s another key, character in the story, by the way, I, an organic produce store owner by the name of Pete Mill of in Sydney, became my mentor. And I was just so blessed to find him that that that’s a story in itself which may not be essential to tell, but it was when Doctor Chris had to go to Greece. Well, I’ll tell you briefly, doctor. Yeah. Due to the integrative doctor, Chris had to go to Greece for three weeks. He’s originally Greek, and he had, work and some family to catch up with. And I said, oh, my God, I need you. You’re saving my life. What am I going to do? He said, no, you’ll be right. Just keep doing the things that I’ve told you. Stick to the protocol, stick to the lifestyle, and you’ll continue to improve. And he said, before you blink, I’ll be back in town. So I actually wasn’t convinced by that. And I thought, maybe it’s time for a new mentor, because maybe he’s showed me all the tools in his toolbox. And within a short period of time, I stumbled across this guy, Pete Malouf, who owned the organic produce store in the same street as my office at the time. Believe it or not. And it was one particular day I was in my office feeling very nauseous and thought, I’m going to get away from the computer, get out of the air conditioned office, walk down the street and go to the children’s playground for a change of scenery, some fresh air, sunshine. I knew that was good for me. Move my body. You can’t just sit in a chair all day sitting on your backside. So I went down there and all these kids are laughing and and screaming carry on! Which really lifted my spirits because they know how to have fun adults. We lose that sense of fun. Often I want to cross the road and there’s this store with red paint with white writing on it. Don’t panic. Go organic. And then it says, oh, all meals, sugar free, dairy free, gluten free. There might have been something else. Oh, no tap water used. I thought, this looks interesting, but then it said free coconut with every purchase over $10. And then it said below that it said far infrared sauna, $10. And then I thought, what the hell is going on? Since when did a produce store have a sauna? This is just unbelievable. There’s something going on here. And by that stage I started to get interested in naturopathic remedies. So I went across the road and found myself face to face with this six foot four muscly guy who’s the owner of the store by the name of Pete. And he said, so how can I help you? I said, well, I’ve been diagnosed with kidney cancer. He said, cancer is one of the easiest illnesses to cure. I said, he’s serious. He was 100% serious. He said, I’ve helped hundreds of people to cure themselves of cancer. I went, wow, you’re the guy I’ve been looking for. This is incredible. He said, yeah, cancer’s just a stop sign. Okay. I thought, it’s funny, I like it. You know, you’ve got all these doctors who are deadly serious and wearing the nice, expensive jackets and ties and stethoscope, and they had maybe. And then here’s this guy in a tank, tank top, shorts and barefoot that many people would say, well, he’s got no cred because he doesn’t have all the letters after his time. But again, I’m a maverick. I’m unorthodox, I think, outside the square. And I thought, no, I like the way he speaks. I don’t care if he’s barefoot. I do not care. He’s.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:40:51] A I think he’s I think.
Rob Prior [00:40:52] He’s. Exactly. And he and he started to talk about that at a later stage.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:40:57] Yeah. He’s a thing.
Rob Prior [00:40:58] About the Earth’s magnetic field as a healing property. The doctors are not taught. And by the way, I don’t blame the doctors for a lot of this. No, I think the training is lacking. Yes. And you could actually trace a lot of it back to a guy called J.D. Rockefeller who shut down the natural empathic healers right across America, who I believe were doing a fabulous job of curing people of cancer. And again, not remission, but curing them with herbs, juicing, enemas, herbal teas. There was a Canadian doctor called Rene Case who had her tea, which was a concoction of four different herbs. And people would flock from all over Canada, United States with cancer to see her. She’d sell his tea at a very moderate price to them. She’d say, drink this morning, afternoon and evening. Come back to me when you’re ready, and come back a month later and say, my doctor can’t believe my tumours shrunk down to 50%, 25% of its size. And she’d say, I am delighted to hear that, but I am not surprised. This stuff works. This is nature’s medicine. Mother nature is benevolent. People who are religious would say God is benevolent. God has has a plan. I’m not specifically religious. I’m very spiritual. But I do believe that Mother Nature has equipped planet Earth with all the medicines we need. We don’t need to research. We don’t need to make manmade toxic chemicals. That is all profit driven. It’s that Mother Nature, you know, slippery, burdock root, I can’t remember. There’s four ingredients in her tea. They’ve all got powerful anti-cancer properties. So, getting back to my life, I said to him, well, and and he told me all other things like earthing and juicing just sort of touched on these areas. But I said, well, listen, before you go too far, I’ve got two friends. I’ve also got cancer. And they’re actually fairly famous musicians. One of them is Doc Nelson, the lead singer from The Angels. He said, all the angels look nice. And he goes, he’s a legend. Of course I’ve heard of him. Really? What’s he got? I said, oh, he’s got a brain tumour. He said, right, go on. I said, well, my other friend is, Don Martin, who plays bass guitar in a band called My Six. And he said, oh, and he started to sing. Compute! Pee pee pee pee. Computer game. Which people of our age. Do you know that song?
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:43:08] I do, I do, I do. I went to school with a guy called Rick Grossman who played, so and.
Rob Prior [00:43:13] Played in my brothers band, met finish.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:43:16] And said, oh, well, I like there you go. Oh, here we go. Okay. Small world. But anyway, do go on.
Rob Prior [00:43:21] Yep. So, Pete said, I got an idea. And Don Martin had prostate cancer at the time. And Pete said, I’ve got an idea. Rather than me overwhelming you with or bombarding you with the old information. Now, what if we arrange a meeting with you? Doc and Don and I all get together, and I’ll give you the complete rundown of what I believe cancer really is, because it’s not what we’re being told, he said. And, because we’re being told cells that are mutating out of control, trying to take over the body, he said. I don’t believe that for one moment. So I’ll tell you what it really is, and I’ll tell you how you made yourself sick because you’ve done this. You’ve created the illness. It’s not random. It doesn’t happen to anyone at any time for no reason. There’s things you’ve done to create this, and I’ll tell you how you can cure yourself. And I like to recycle yourself, not go into remission or make yourself as it doesn’t work as 100%. He said, if you follow this, you’re just going to get better and better. So we arrange time in the following week on a Wednesday afternoon, and the other two were available and doc bought his partner any along. So it was doc, his partner Annie, Don, me and Pete in this upstairs room, in his, organic produce store in Bondi Junction, Sydney. And it was a three hour meeting for which he charged us nothing. Pretty cool. Great guy. And it blew my mind and I was taking notes furiously. It just all made sense. Everything was saying made sense to me. I thought wow, you know if I’d have asked $1,000 for this I would have happily paid it. But he’s giving it for free, so can’t complain with that. But I did feel some sort of obligation to buy all my produce for. On him forevermore. Which he said no you don’t have to do that. I said no I want to do that because I trust your selection of projects. So yeah the meeting was very is the word revelatory. Very.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:45:10] That’ll do, that’ll do.
Rob Prior [00:45:11] Great. Revelatory. Great revelation.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:45:14] Yes.
Rob Prior [00:45:14] Mind blowing. Do you want me to delve into a little bit?
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:45:18] Well, I mean, he’s interesting because this is something that we’ve pursued on this podcast before. And this is a fundamental question about cancer. Is cancer a mutation of genes, in which case you’re trying to identify that or is it a metabolic disease? And he’s a.
Rob Prior [00:45:35] He says he says metabolic.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:45:36] Yes, absolutely. Well, you know, again, music to my years we’ve had on this podcast a professor, Thomas Seyfried, who’s written a textbook on cancer as a metabolic disease. And, you know, this makes much more sense than cancer is genetic disease. And, and it dovetails into another concept which we constantly pursue on this program, and that is that good health makes sense, but it doesn’t make dollars. And that is part of the problem, why we find ourselves in such poor health, apart from the fact that we’re eating a lot of crappy food, we’re exposed to a lot of, environmental toxins, and we’re stressed beyond belief. All of those things are a perfect model for poor health. Yeah, but not a very good health model. So this is again, music to my ears. Rob, I had a feeling that we may have, some sympathy with each other’s point of view here. So do you go on. No.
Rob Prior [00:46:32] I’m interested. So he said, I mean, there was a lot, obviously a lot covered in three hours, but I can I can give you the tip of the iceberg.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:46:40] It’s not just because I think the point here just to bring us back is it’s not. It is. I mean, mindset is critically important. It’s the foundation on which everything is built. But you are not going to get away with it if you are still feeding yourself crap and doing everything that is not natural for your health. Would you agree with that?
Rob Prior [00:47:04] Totally. And I got to emphasise, it’s a multi-pronged approach. Well, the recovery is a multi-pronged approach of mind, body and spirit. So we’re talking about radical change of diet, detoxification substances, detoxification protocols, change of lifestyle, change of mindset. So it’s pretty far reaching. I know a couple of people who’ve had cancer who’ve read my book and they’ve actually said they love it. And then they’ve said, but it seems too much to take on. It’s overwhelming. And I’ve said, well, you know, any great goal this is this is a, very lofty goal we’re going for here, but it can be achieved. And I said, look, I do provide coaching and if you want, I can touch you every step of the way and make it easy for you and and break it, chunk it down so that you’re not being hit with everything all at once. So it is a multi-pronged approach. And yes, but diet, I’d say diet and detox are probably about 40% of the secret. And I’d say mindset is probably about 60% of had to put a rough figure on it.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:48:01] Yeah. But this comes back to, Michael, Adam, these three, primal beliefs. I am unworthy, I’m unsafe. I’m alone. Yeah. I mean, if there’s if it seems overwhelming, what is in this book to save your own life than you truly believe you are unworthy of doing.
Rob Prior [00:48:23] Yeah, well, there you go. I do know some people have said, look, if my time has come, my time has come. Yes. Whereas my thought was stuff that my time has not come. I’m in my mid-fifties. I want to get to a hundred.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:48:35] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, yeah. I mean, I remember my grandfather on his deathbed at the age of just under 90 saying, you know what? When it when you work out how long you here for and you work out how long you’re not here for, it seems really unfair. So, you know, and that was at 90, and I know a lot of people who hadn’t made 90 that would, would, would have loved to have got that far. So, you know, when my time has come, I hope that time has come when I’m over 100. But anyway, do go on.
Rob Prior [00:49:03] I oh, when you’ve achieved the things and experience the things you want to experience. Yeah. And there was a lot more that I wanted to achieve and experience. So I just felt my time hadn’t come. And also I loved the challenge. Once I got over that initial shock, which was a massive shock. I then loved the challenge of, well, here’s my next life challenge, the curveball that’s been thrown at me. I’m going to. So, you know, I’ve taught mathematics. I’m going to solve this like a mathematical problem. And sometimes my students would. This is all private coaching I’ve done. I’ve never taught in a in a school, but I’ve done I’ve done a lot of private coaching groups. 1 to 1, you name it. And the students will come along with a question. Say this question stumped my school teacher and it stumped me. And can you help me with it? It’s like, well, deep breath, I’ll give it a go. And, you know, at first it’s a little bit scary, but you relish the challenge. And if you’re positive and keep calm and focussed. Then you’ll usually solve it. And so it’s the same here. That this was a life challenge. Actually, if I can tell you this, I saw my journey as being in four stages. First of all, a problem. My worst nightmare. Stage two Recontextualizing of their mind to being a challenge. It’s not a problem, it’s a challenge. Challenges can be conquered. Stage three. It’s actually an opportunity because I’m learning so much and improving myself in so many ways. Mind, body and spirit. And then number four eventually blessing. Yes. So it’s problem, challenge, opportunity, blessing. And eventually it was like, oh my God, this is actually one of the greatest blessings I’ve ever been given in my life. But, you know, takes a lot of introspection and self contemplation and meditation and you name it to get to that point of blessing. But that’s where I ended up.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:50:50] But, you know, you’ve also mentioned the word compassion and self-compassion because that’s it really is an important thing. And we actually I’m giving it makes me realise how many great podcasts we’ve done. I’m doing a plug for my own podcast here, but we did, go for a different podcast with Professor Paul Gilbert, who who has written the books on compassion and particularly self-compassion. And, you know, the starting from a position of self-compassion is so important and so interesting to hear you and identify Michael’s three three primal beliefs. You know, self-compassion is a critical part of this process that you are worthy of making all of the overwhelming steps that you outline in your book of mind, body, and soul. You know, these are this is in order to do that, you have to have a very strong sense of compassion for yourself that you are worthy of doing this.
Rob Prior [00:51:46] Yes, yes. Well, I prioritise my health at that point, and this is interesting too. And for anyone watching this who either is battling cancer or has battled cancer or has a loved one in that situation, I’d say you’ve really got to give your health and healing top priority. Now you might think, well, that’s a statement of the bleeding obvious, but it’s not because I’ve coached people where they haven’t been getting at the top priority. That said, sorry, I’ve been really busy the last week we had relatives dying over and then we’ve had some, you know, renovations to the house and we’re looking for a new car and this and that. And I said, okay, I hear all that I get all that. Life is complex, but really, you’ve got to I think you’ve got to reprioritize. You’ve got to make health your number one priority now, because we really are talking about life versus death. And you’ll want to win this battle and you can win this battle. So you know some things you can’t avoid. But with the family coming over, you can’t use that as an excuse. Or you can say, I mean, you know, I’m telling them how to run their life, but maybe now’s not the time for them to be coming over and visiting, which is, you know, and it takes a lot of strength and sovereignty to say that, because then some people say, but that’s that’s not not a very nice way to treat your family. It’s not a very compassionate family. I’ll say, well, it’s got to be a bit of I don’t know if selfishness is the word, probably self-care, self-compassion, self-compassion, where I’m in a dire situation now, they’re not, and my survival is going to depend on me doing the right things. I have to make the time, and a lot of the things that I did took time. You know, going to the exercise, I was doing 75 minutes of power walking every day. So you got to put aside that time.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:53:29] And walking is so safe and sustainable, isn’t it? Oh, yeah. And social and natural.
Rob Prior [00:53:34] Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was listening to my favourite music on my headphones. Yeah. So it was lifting my spirit which is part of the healing process. And then also I was doing far infrared soreness every second day. So that takes time. That’s 45. And but you’ve got to get to the place and I’ve got to get back. So it’s not 45 minutes probably an hour and a half while up. By the time you’ve done all that and much more and all these things, all these protocols, all these things, you’ve got to buy the right food. You got to prepare yourself because you’re not eating at restaurants or takeaway food. You’re preparing yourself. And so it all takes time and you’ve got to prioritise so that you’ve got that you make the time to do it and you don’t make excuses. Meditation takes time. I was meditating at least bare minimum 30 minutes a day, but usually around 60 minutes sometimes, and if a lot of pain, it might even be up to 90 minutes. So you got to make the time to do that. But I pushed other things out of the way to do that. And the funny thing is, time is a bit elastic, but you still fun. You’ve got time to do all the other things, which I can’t even explain that. But where there’s a will is away. So I still took my math classes. I stood around the colleges, I still was writing. By the second half of the year, I was actually got back into music and I was composing and recording songs with a single called Glenn Midnight in Sydney. We wrote over 120 songs in the space of seven years and produced them to professional standard. Wow. Because part and this is the real point I’m trying to make, is that because the healing was not just physical, it was also mental and emotional, and suddenly this creativity came bursting through. God knows where it came from. All this creativity of all the lyrics and the music and the arrangements for songs and even writing one song, if it’s an original song and if it’s if it’s if it’s different and creative and cool, it’s a lot of work to do one song. It’s more than you might think. And for the lyrics to be different to the last song, and if it’s all the other songs that you’ve written and you’re not copying someone else, you say, oh, I’m diff.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:55:28] I often marvel at. Music. I mean, I am not a writer or a musician myself, but I listen to it and I think someone has written that out on a piece of paper or has done that on an instrument, and then produced it and put this instrument with that instrument and incredibly creative process.
Rob Prior [00:55:46] It is. And again, the point I’m trying to make to to zoom in on that is I never expected that to happen. I was just trying to survive this terrible ordeal. And and heal myself physically. But unexpectedly the mental and emotional and spiritual healing also happened as a as a by-product. I think it’s called precession, not procession but precession. You’re aiming to get from A to B, but along that journey there are these little side roads left and right which produce opportunities, experiences which you never expected, which sometimes can be more significant than the original journey your own.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:56:24] It’s so interesting Rob too isn’t it. Coming back to the doctor and you know look I mean I think they are a victim of their own education and I and I think and I really mean that I think doctors have unwittingly presided over, unwittingly presided over the worst epidemic in preventable diseases in human history. And they’ve unwittingly done that because in their education, they focus on pathology and the pharmacology to manage that or the surgery to manage it. But they’ve forgotten the first 1 or 2 years of all of our training, and that is anatomy and physiology and biochemistry. And when you look at what’s gone wrong, at least you’re open to correcting it, because when you got your diagnosis of cancer and you might have said what caused that, I’m pretty sure your doctor would have said, oh, just bad luck. You know, your genes. Yep, yep. Even it could.
Rob Prior [00:57:20] Be genetic, he said.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:57:21] Could be genetic. I think 90% of doctors would say that to to their patients, even though interestingly, it’s accepted that if you had lung cancer, the very first thing I would say is, oh, did you smoke? Hang on. I thought it was just.
Rob Prior [00:57:37] Work in a toxic environment. Yeah, I.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [00:57:39] Thought it was just genetic. What is smoking got to do with anything?
Rob Prior [00:57:42] You know what connection they’ve made with smoking should be made with all types of cancer. But I also want to throw in. You’ve reminded me that you’re not going to get the sort of emotional and creative and spiritual transformation that I experienced from chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery. It’s just not going to take you down that road. So we’re not talking about an alternative path, something interesting. We’re talking about, you know, something profoundly different, something that heals at a very deep level. This is not to be dismissed as quackery or pseudoscience. This is profound healing we’re talking about, which actually transforms every single cell in your body. And what is that transforms? I obviously made to a better place where something like chemotherapy is highly toxic and, it’s a short term solution. It will put someone into remission, but it’s not a cure because generally people who get chemotherapy will have a recurrence within one or 2 or 3 years. And I’ve only recently found the reason for that. And that is, I don’t know if you’re aware that chemotherapy does not kill cancer stem cells. And this is well documented by multiple university research studies across the world. And so what happens is anyone who gets chemotherapy the tumour perhaps 99% of the cancer cells will be killed. They’ll get a scan the patient we get a scan and it will show no tumour. Naturally the patient is delighted and the family and the doctors will say yes, we appear to be successful. But remember, you must get regular testing. Generally, the patient will agree to that and say, of course that makes sense. Of course I’ll get regular testing. We’re going to keep an eye on this thing. What will generally happen is because the cancer stem cells have not been killed, they will reseed and a new tumour will form, usually in the same or different place in the body, which is called metastasis. Then at one of these regular testing, sessions of a diagnosis, they’ll determine that bad news. You’ve now got a tumour in it, the same part of the body or a different part or multiple parts of the body. Now, what I’m saying is pretty scathing, but my research has shown, that, universities in Brazil, Japan, United States, Europe have come to the same conclusion over and over. Cancer does not kill stem cells. So then the question arises, what? What does kill cancer stem cells? And they’re all sorts of natural foods that occur in nature which kill the cancer stem cells like garlic, ginger, tumeric, broccoli, onion, apricot kernels, believe it or not. What else? I think you kill a healthy. You get the idea.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [01:00:18] Healthy immune system. But listen, this has been great, Rob. We’ve. I thought we’d have an interesting discussion. And, we’ll, of course, have links to both of your books. And particularly the. The latest one, the healing power of cancer. But say hello to happiness the healing mindsets. It is a is a very catchy title and clearly some very good stuff there, and I’d love to connect with Michael to explore that further. I’ll look forward to an introduction there. But listen, let’s just finish up. I want to take a step back from from this story of yours, and you are clearly, at the age of five, I’m guessing 60 mid-sixties, 66.
Rob Prior [01:00:54] 66, 66, 65. I’m insulted.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [01:00:59] But anyway, you are clearly in in very good shape and probably much and clearly much better shape than you were as a 50 something year old. So this is a testament to exactly what you’re talking about. But taking a step back from all of that, because we are all on a health journey together through this modern world. As an individual, what do you think the biggest challenges for someone on our health journey?
Rob Prior [01:01:25] Oh good question. Okay. Striving to learn about the secrets to health and healing, and then having the commitment and discipline to follow through. So, for instance, you know, one of my challenges lately, my diet is pretty impeccable. It’s all organic, natural, unprocessed. I know what I’m doing in that regard. But, you know, a challenge for me is finding the time to exercise daily. And you can say, well, no excuses. You just make the time. But when you schedule is chock a block with. Work and research and writing and other good stuff. Where do you find the time? Well, that’s that’s the challenge. You’ve got to make the time. It’s that determination you got to make that time come hell or high water. Yeah. So first of all, just learning, getting the information. I think that’s where my book can help people. And my book will help people to learn how to prevent cancer as much as how to cure themselves of cancer. But then the follow through. So, you know, grabbing a highlighter pen and think write Rob did ABCd. I’ve got it out. Learn about that and get onto ABCd. Not one day, but ASAP, especially if you’re very ill. There’s an urgency to getting onto it.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [01:02:31] Yeah. Rob, it’s been so good to connect with you. I had a feeling we would have a great conversation, and. And I’ve really enjoyed it. We must actually get together in person because we’re both in Sydney, and, we will have links, of course, to your book and website. So thank you so much for joining us today.
Rob Prior [01:02:49] It’s been a pleasure, Ron. Thank you.
Dr Ron Ehrlich [01:02:51] Well, as I said, mindset. Wow, what a powerful force we have available to all of us. And I’ve been focusing, in these last six months on positive psychology and in particular positive intelligence. Pick your positive intelligence quotient. How often is your mind working for you, and how often is it working against you? And it turns out there’s a little bit of a tipping point there. And it’s worth exploring those things. Go and do a P2 assessment. Find out what saboteurs are going on in your mind. And I find this a really inspiring way of putting a language and a structure into the noise that’s going on in in your head, in my head all the time, in all of our heads. But I’m definitely going to be, inviting if I can. Michael Adam, 80s. Back to, to follow up with this talk and, with this discussion that I just had with Rob and I think this week I might also rerelease from the archives that wonderful discussion I had with Bruce Lipton quite a few years ago, and I must get him back on the program as well. I hope this has been inspiring and empowering for you. I found it a great conversation. We’ll of course have links to Rob’s website where those books are available. Hope this finds you. Well, until next time. This is doctor Ron Ehrlich, fellow. This podcast provides general information and discussion about medicine, health, and related subjects. The content is not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, or as a substitute for care by a qualified medical practitioner. If you or any other person has a medical concern, he or she should consult with an appropriately qualified medical practitioner. Guests who speak in this podcast express their own opinions, experiences and conclusions.