The story of a hidden epidemic affecting us in ways we have never imagined
A keynote highlight of Dr Ron’s A Life Less Stressed: The five pillars of health and wellness.
Word-of-Mouth Outline
Join Dr Ron in this engaging, empowering and entertaining presentation as he:
- Explores a hidden epidemic revealing why the mouth is the gateway to good health
- Discusses the connection between oral and general health
- Outlines a simple and logical path to help you take your oral health seriously
Keynote Summary:
There is a hidden epidemic, it has been largely overlooked in healthcare and its going on right under our noses.
Your mouth; affecting your digestion, your ability to breathe well and sleep well, your posture, chronic musculoskeletal pain, predisposing you to many of the chronic degenerative diseases we now face in the modern world.
A revelation to anybody with a mouth, who is interested in their health, but has never fully connected the two. If you are not taking oral health seriously you should……your body already does.
You will discover why your mouth is an important gateway to good health and the steps you can take to be as healthy as you can be.
Dr Ron speaks to 650 people during The Wellness Summit at the Crown Plaza in Melbourne:
Dr Ron
Unstress PodcastBlogHealth AssessmentProducts
Mouth to MouthEvolution Bites BackWord of MouthUnstress: Simply Be Well
eCourseseBooksBook – A Life Less Stressed
For questions, media inquires or general enquiries contact Dr Ron: